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Rumudamo won top 10 in COE 2021 E

Our company Rumudamo Coffee Industry Trade PLC in the Ethiopia COE 2021 competition won THE 9th place scoring 88.47. Cup of Excellence winners showcase the countries most amazing flavors: only possible when varietal, terroir, and harvesting are all in harmony.

The winning lots are the top 30 coffees that scored above an 87.38 by the Cup of Excellence International Jury. These coffees have each been cupped a minimum of five different times during the cupping process. The coffee is packaged in 30kg boxes containing two 15kg vacuum-packed bags. 

Below are the details for this winning coffee

Score: 88.47

Rank: 9

Lot Information

Year: 2021

Processing System: Natural

Variety : 74112

Over all: Floral (2), Brown Sugar, Candy, Crispy, Lemon, Tropical Fruit, chocolate fragrance, well balanced, short but clean aftertaste

Aroma / Flavor : Floral (4), Apricot (3), Bergamot (3), Honey (2), Almond, Apple, Banana, Berry jam, Black Currant, Brown Sugar, Caramelized, Complex, Dried Dates, Grape, Lemon tea, Lime, Lychee, Maple Syrup, Milk Chocolate, Molasses, Mouth Drying, Parchment, Passion Fruit, Pineapple, Raspberry, Syrupy

Acidity : Citric Acid, Citrus, Crisp, Juicy, Malic Acid, Mandarin Orange, Sharp


For more information please visit Cup of Excellence Website
